
Caleb Favela

Web Development & Web Design

What I do:


Need a brand new site or webapp? Yes, the backend as well.


A design to fit your style? That keeps usability in mind? You got it.


Because a website shouldn't become stale, messy, or worse: outdated.


Tony's Food Truck

A site flexible enough to keep up with a growing menu and changing schedule. It uses a headless CMS to store all it’s content; this allows the client to edit their menu and provide live updates to their schedule.

Svelte, Astro, Sanity CMS

Los Padres Preguntan

LPP needed to get up and running quickly while having full control of their content. This site provides information in a digestible way while giving the client control over every piece of content via a CMS. (Site is currently removed from it’s domain)

Svelte, Astro, Tailwind, Santiy CMS

Axolotlpi Blog

This is my personal blog (just launched). It’s part project, part sharing information.

Next JS, Tailwind, Contentful CMS, Typescript

Personal Projects


React, Tailwind

Pokedex in curly backets

A pokedex with attitude

View Demo


React, Materialize CSS

WebMote app icon

An API caller with a remote GUI

View Demo


Svelte PWA using Indexed DB

The S in sifter logo

Sift through your walls of text

View Demo

You contact me, I'll contact you